Embodied Alchemy

I love our bodies, and all the ways they speak to us. The tightness in my shoulders tells me I am carrying more than I have capacity for, the lump in the back of my throat serves as a reminder to speak my truth, the tightness in my hips is saying soften and allow more curiosity to flow into my belief systems.

When we can relax the mind and descend our awareness into our beautiful animal bodies, we tap into an ever flowing spring of knowledge that flows through every tissue, muscle, bone and fascia. It is a wisdom of the Earth, as our bodies are mere extensions of this beautiful planet.

This is why I feel passionate about somatic medicine and Embodied Alchemy. It is a practice that creates space for our bodies to feel safe enough to process what our mind’s have been conditioned to shut out. It is a way of healing that does not attempt to fix, rather it allows for whatever comes up to be fully accepted and integrated back into wholeness.

Embodied alchemy and somatic companionship is for you if you:

  • Find yourself aware of patterns and cycles but struggle to make any progress towards shifting them.

  • Feel disconnected from your body

  • Desire a deep acceptance of ALL of the parts within you

  • Benefit from having a container to support you in growing your own capacity for healing

  • Wish for joy to be your compass

  • Desire to move at the pace of your body

Embodied Alchemy is a practice of space holding and grounded compassion to allow for a widened capacity to integrate our wounded parts. I use an eclectic balance of modalities including but not limited to: somatic parts work, energy work, movement, imaginative play and connection to the natural world. This dynamic practice offers a perspective shift to our modern day ideals around healing and health. Embodied Alchemy creates space rather than tries to fix, this practice see’s our deepest wounds and allows a gentle weaving into healing and unveiling the gifts that lie beneath them.

1:1 Offerings

Discovery Session

1 hour discovery session is for those who are interested in learning more about Embodied Alchemy and somatic companionship.

Sliding Scale Pricing:

Community Support Rate: $75 (intended for those who need support)

Standard Rate: $100

Supporter Rate: $150 (Intended for those who want to financially support those in need)

Somatic Journey Package

This container includes four 1 hour Embodied Alchemy sessions intended for those who are ready to commit to a journey of somatic companionship.

Sliding Scale Pricing:

Community Support Rate: $275 (intended for those who need support)

Standard Rate: $375

Supporter Rate: $575 (Intended for those who want to financially support those in need)

Embodied Healing Package

This container includes eight 1 hour Embodied Alchemy sessions intended for those who want to deep dive into their healing through somatic companionship.

Sliding Scale Pricing:

Community Support Rate: $555 (intended for those who need support)

Standard Rate: $855

Supporter Rate: $1,155 (Intended for those who want to financially support those in need)

Group Offerings

Disclaimer: By participating in Embodied Alchemy and Somatic Companionship with Katelyn Post you acknowledge that they are not a licensed psychologist or medical doctor and their services do not replace the care of psychological counseling, psychotherapy, mental health counseling, or any other types of medical advice.