Photo by Maria of RadLove

“This life has taken me on many paths, giving me a unique ability to connect deeply to a wide range of frequencies. “


Whether it’s creating beautiful imagery or offering somatic companionship, my gift and passion is connection. When we feel safe, supported and connected we are able to open up to our most authentic selves. I spent a good portion of my life feeling disconnected and lost which took me down a long road of seeking and searching for anything or anyone to connect to. After many years of cycling in the same patterns of pain and trauma I found somatic medicine. This was a catalyst for me to finally remember my connection my body and to the Earth. This modality of healing has rippled out into everything that I do, including photography. As I connect deeper to myself, I am able to connect deeply to my clients, this is my secret sauce to creating effortlessly beautiful memories that feel natural instead of stiff or forced. Photography tells a visual story, and each narrative is as unique as a fingerprint. This is why I am so passionate about this art, it gives me the creative freedom to bring my client’s stories to light.


Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of Oklahoma-2019

Reiki Level I, II & Master Certification,

Melissa Crowhurst-2021

Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certification, The Embody Lab- 2023

Embodied Movement for Mental Health,

Jonathon Mead- 2024


Embodied Alchemy is a practice of space holding and grounded compassion to allow for a widened capacity to integrate our wounded parts. I use an eclectic balance of modalities including but not limited to: somatic parts work, energy work, movement, imaginative play and connection to the natural world. This dynamic practice offers a perspective shift to our modern day ideals around healing and health. Embodied Alchemy creates space rather than tries to fix, this practice see’s our deepest wounds and allows a gentle weaving into healing and unveiling the gifts that lie beneath them.


Our bodies hold the key to our deepest Truth

The body holds a wisdom that is encoded into every cell of our being. It is a wisdom that comes from the Soul of the Earth and connects us to every living organism on this big, beautiful planet. The mind can lead us to many different realities, but our bodies never lie. When we connect to and honor what our bodies are speaking, we can live in right relationship with ourselves, our communities and the planet.

You are deserving of unconditional love and care.

You are here by no mistake. You have unique gifts that only you can offer that benefit this collective. You deserve to be loved and cared for no matter where your life path has taken you. Systems of oppression often condition us to question our inherent worth, silencing our curiosity and wonder. By connecting to our body and learning the language in which it speaks to us, we can trust in our enoughness.

Being witnessed in community heals

A strong, connected community is one of the most healing experiences we can have as humans. Our Western society offers a lie that we must carry the weight of our past in secret, that we must “hold it all together” and that if we just hustle hard enough, we will be good enough…. These are deeply rooted in oppressive systems and keep us from connecting and healing with one another. True healing happens in community. To be witnessed outside of the lens of judgement is where true alchemy begins.

There are gifts waiting to be unveiled under our deepest wounds

Healing is alchemy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred or transformed. The energy that lives in our wounded spaces holds potent medicine and powerful gifts. When we grow our capacity to move with these wounds, to dance and sing their stories and drum the beat of their heartbeat, a transformation like no other occurs.

A more inclusive and loving world is possible

When we tap into our hearts, radiate unconditional love and compassion in the fullness of our being, we empower the ones around us to do the same. When we center the communities who have been purposely marginalized and allow their voices to be heard, and their stories to be grieved- we create space for liberation. I believe that this liberation is possible and I will continue to walk the spiral path back to the center, I hope you will join me.

As a member of the Chahta (Choctaw) Tribe, and steward of the Earth, being in Right Relationship with the Land and the Ancestors of the Land is my highest priority.

I practice on the Indigenous Land of the Kiowa, Kickapoo, Wichita, Osage and Comanche Tribes. I give honor and accept the sacred responsibility of being in Right Relationship with these Tribes and this Land.

I acknowledge the historical injustices and wrongs committed against indigenous communities and commit to raising awareness, fostering understanding, and actively working to address the ongoing disparities and inequalities faced by these communities.

I dream of a future where respect for the land and its original caretakers is a fundamental part of our shared consciousness and where the wounds of the past are healed through meaningful actions. I believe this happens when the land is returned to its indigenous keepers, I stand with the Land Back movement.


  • I am a momma of two.

  • Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising

  • 3 in numerology

  • I am queer

  • I love to explore and adventure

Kind Words

“Katelyn is a beautiful and inspiring soma guide as she is living the transformation. She is doing the work. She leads her classes effortlessly, in the flow but always grounded. In “Befriending the Body” I have found a safe home for all parts of me to explore movement in a new way. It has carried over into the everyday expression of my body and self.”

-Eva Smith (Somatic Client)

“Katelyn’s photography is so amazing on so many levels. She has captured so many joyous and sacred aspects of my life. I love how she captures organic moments & has an eye to see the frame that holds magic! So fun and easy to work with too. True joy!”

-Leigh Patton (Photography Client)

Let's create together

Let's create together