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Embodied Alchemy, Somatic Companionship & Photography

Photo by Maria of RadLove

Life is art, we are the artists.


Embodied Alchemy & Somatic Companionship

Photo by Maria of RadLove

Through the art of embodied alchemy and photography, we unearth the connections that bind our innermost truths with the world around us.

As a somatic companion and guide, I believe in the power of presence – both behind the camera and within our own skin.

With each click of the shutter, we capture not just images, but moments of raw emotion, vulnerability, and authenticity.

Through the practice of Embodied Alchemy, we learn to listen to the whispers of our bodies, to honor the wisdom of the eARTh, and to embrace the fullness of our being.

Together, let us explore the depths of embodiment and photography, unlocking the beauty of our essence and the magic of our interconnectedness.

Katelyn Post • Photographer & Somatic Companion

Let's create together

Let's create together